HP Envy Spectre 14-3010nr battery |
Today we checked the manual for HP Envy Spectre 14-3010nr laptop, we found many useful suggestion for optimizing performance on HP Envy Spectre 14-3010nr with older Operating Systems,
It is important to have the latest BIOS, firmware, and driver enhancements for your computer.Check www.hp.com for the latest releases.
Install and maintain a virus protection program to prevent failures due to viruses.
Whenever possible, adjust the power management settings (power schemes) in the Control Panel to permit the hard drive to turn off when it is unused for an extended period of time. For example, adjust the power management settings if you work with applications that execute primarily from electronic memory (such as word processors) that do not have to access the hard drive very often.
Perform the Defrag operation periodically to optimize the reading and writing of data to the hard drive. During this process, data is moved to contiguous space. As a result, movement of the hard drive reading/writing heads is decreased.